Academic Terms
The academic terms shall commence on or about September of each year. Admissions to M.B.B.S shall be done only once in a given year.
The candidates are normally expected to attend all alloted work period (both theory and paraclinical/clinical) in such of the prescribed subjects. They should attend 80% of total number of classes conducted in each of the subjects to be eligible to appear for the examination in that subject. The principal will notify the attendance details at the end of the each term without fail under intimation to the university. The vice chancellor is empowered to condone shortage of attendance not beyond 5%. The candidate lacking in the prescribed attendance and progress in any one subject in theory and practical and clinical in the first appearance shall not be permitted for appearing in the qualifying examination.
Period of Training, Courses of Study & Examinations
M.B.B.S Phase I: Anatomy, Physiology and Biochemistry [ 12 Monts ]M.B.B.S Phase II: Pathology, Microbiology, Pharmacology, ForensicMedicine & CommunityMedicine [ 18 Monts ]
M.B.B.S Phase III
- Part I - E.N.T, Opthalmology, CommunityMedicine
- Part II - Medicine, Pediatrics, Surgery (including orthopedics) and Obs & Gynecology [ 24 Months ]
Foreign Qualifications Recognised
Foreign/nonresident Indian certificate for admission to M.B.B.S course must have passed in the subjects of Physics, Chemistry and Biology and English individually and must have obtained 50% of marks taken together in these subjects at the qualifying (10+2) exam or a minimum of B or C grade in Physics, Chemistry and Biology (B grade in minimum two subjects) and also the foreign qualifying (10+2) exam should be recognized by the "Association of Indian Universities".If a certificate is in a language other than English of Hindi translated English version of the same duly attested by a Gazette officer or a Notary should be submitted. They are also advised to take immediate steps to apply to the registrar S.B.M.C.H, Tirupati along with Photo copies duly certified by the head of the Institution as stated above and obtain the eligibility certificate the same to this office as to your eligibility for admission to the said course. The procedure may take 2 or 3 months.