About Sri Balaji Medical College Hospital & Research Institute, Renigunta
Sri Balaji Medical College & Hospital and Research Institute is situated at Renigunta, Tirupati.The college is situated in the heart of Tirupati City and is close to the Airport.
SBMCH is a private, non-profit, self-financing medical institution, pledged to the service of the community, caters to the health care needs of the people in general and especially to the needy, underprivileged, suffering section of humanity in particular.
Our College & Hospital

It is provided with the state-of-the-art infrastructure in terms of its block of buildings, which includes cosy, comfortable and well-furnished departments laboratories; classrooms for students separate quarters for staff and nurses, besides equipment of latest technological quality. separate hostel for boys and girls, recreation facilities etc, in the premises.
The blood bank is well stocked and minted adhering to the international standards. The labs for analysis and culture, X-ray equipment are the state of the art and are operated by trained technicians.
Family accommodations are also provided to resident doctors with in the premises. The welfare of the students is given prime importance at all times. At SBMCH it is always service to mankind. College is a class apart because the induction program deals basically with practical and interactive approach to the lectures.
The secret of the success of any medical college or hospital lies in the quality of its faculty. The team has eminent doctors with teaching experience and National repute with and administrative affairs. SBMCH owns its name and recognition to the dedicated and determined efforts of these crusaders of health care and the team of paramedical, nursing and general staff who with their unstinted efforts have provided the impetus to this young organization.
The faculty strength and profile are the backbone of any institution as they are the people who groom the students and shape their career.
The SBMCH is founded with the single point aim of providing the best of medical training in these parts of the country. At present the hospital has 350 general teaching beds with state-of-the-art operation theatres.

Besides there are 6 intensive care beds with 24hrs with high-tech trauma care facility, serving a wide cross section of the community, belonging to every segment of society. Free medical services are given to the poor and needy patients. Separate rural and urban health training centres have been established so as to impart field-practice training to medical students and helping the needy people nearby and those in remote areas. SBMCH has the advantage of 350 teaching beds that offers practical training to the students during their internship that makes learning complete and comprehensive. SBMCH is synonymous with quality teaching and training. Each department is well equipped and each member of the faculty, master in his/her choose field of specialization.
SBMCH are conventional and radical at the same time. Classroom teaching, seminars, hands on experience, museum visits, workshops, guest lectures; all form part of teaching at SBMCH. Tastefully equipped library along with Internet facility is the source of addition information on the subject. While there is a dearth of qualified and trained nurses’ all over the globe, SBMCH have them in bountiful. It has its own school of nursing which is the base of the placements. Residential facilities for the students pursuing studies in various disciplines are of great importance. The hostels have wide corridors, neat and clean-living quarters. Hygienic kitchen providing healthy and nutritious food. A recreation room for indoor games, reading and an anteroom with a television. The academic ambience determines the overall academic environment of an educational institute. It is a highly qualitative aspect and is determined by the enthusiasm and commitment of the faculties, academic discipline and curriculum.
The secret of the success of any medical college or hospital lies in the quality of its faculty. Our team has eminent doctors with teaching experience and nationalized with and administrative affairs. SBMCH owns its name and recognition to the dedicated and determined efforts of these crusaders of health care and the team of paramedical, nursing and general staff who with their unstinted efforts have provided the impetus to this young organization. The faculty strength and profile are the backbone of any institution as they are the people who groom the students and shape their career.
Our Mission
To be an Excellence in All Fields of Health Care and Medical Education.
.To provide High Quality health care with low-cost service for the Society.
.To be a center of Excellence providing entire of Preventive and Curative services as an apex Institute of the Society.
.To play a responsible role to provide High-Quality Health Care to the society through a well-equipped, highly qualified and experienced Doctors 24*7.
Our Vision
To be a Globally Acclaimed Institution Recognized for Excellence in Medical Education, Scientific Research and Patient Care.
Quality Policy
.To provide quality health care to the patients with compassion and at affordable cost.
.SBMC & RI Aims to contribute efficient, ethical and responsible Doctors and clinicians for the society committed to deliver holistic health care of the people’s Trust.
. SBMC & RI strives to establish a system of quality assurance to evaluate the quality of education offered to students and making SBMC & RI is a center of excellence for upcoming generation.